A downloadable game

# D.S.M


D.S.M is a Game whit an style of gameplay similar to isaac , where i try to recreate that sensation of have a new enviroment every time.

In this project i was focused On the Word Generation Algorithms to try an recreate the procedural generation of an isaac style of game.

I concentrated more than anything on procedural generation algorithms like

Wave Function Collapse

Dungegon Snake Generation

but we also use Finite State Machines , Strategy , Singleton and S.O.L.I.D algorithms


W A S D / Left Stickc (controller) - Move

SPACE / South Button (controller) -Jump

RIGHT CLICK / Right Trigger or R2 (controller) - Block

LEFT CLICK / Left Trigger or L2 (controller) - Attack

MOUSE / Right Stick (controller) - Camera Movement

ESC / Start or Options (controller) - Pause

E / West Button (controler) - PickUp

Q / North Button (controller) - Drop


Developer & Designer

Otranto Dario
Alias : Cheso

#### Music

Music Made by : [Alexander Nakarada](https://www.serpentsoundstudios.com/royalty-free-music/celtic-fantasy?utm_source=pocket_saves)

#### Game



D.S.M V1.0.zip 49 MB

Install instructions

Extract The Zip File 

Open The D.S.M.exe

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